I know that the core of #eMobility and #BEV is about sustainability, reduction of environment abuse, reduction of use of fossil fuels...
However I must admit: I love driving fast. I love driving curves. And not as a positive side effect of necessary transportation from A to B. But for the pure fun of it.
At least once a year I drive to the Alps with my best friend and we go for substantial curve driving taking the passes over different mountains - with ICE cars.

ICEing in the Austrian Alps

Curves in the Austrian Alps
And I'm really looking forward to the day, when we do this tour in a BEV... Though my best freind is working for Mercedes - and he is not yet a big fan of #BEV - but i slowly get him there : )
Another passion is going fast on the highway in Germany - the so called "Autobahn". This I do regularly - since we have our Model S as family car - in the Model S.
Although we bought a used S85 without any fancy 4 wheel drive or performance package, you can still go quite fast and the 0-100km/h acceleration of this "slow" Model S is below 6 seconds (better than my sports car…).
For those not familiar: on the German Autobahn you are allowed to go as fast as you want to as long as you have no local speed limit and as long as you keep the safety distance to cars in front of you. The minimum speed you have to go is 61km/hours. The recommended orientation speed is 130km/hour. If you are interested: take a ride with me in my Model S Autobahn video:
All in all: I admit I'm a sinner sometimes. However, as our Model S it at 100.000km now and as we have a 100% renewable electricity contract for our house, our Model S is operated C02 neutral. And that sounds just great for me. Acceleration fun and driving fun at CO2 neutrality...
To regain a little bit of my green belief, I also have to admit that I make much more miles with our BEV than with our ICE - as the BEV is in general much more fun, "refuels" over night, gives a powerful and smooth ride, is very comfortable and got me hooked on #eMobility. On long distance traveling with family I'm also much more relaxed now, due to the charging breaks and the average speed of ~110 - 120km/h we do to have good range. A bonus: our used Model S has lifetime free supercharging.

Our Model S on the beach of Sankt Peter Ording in Germany
haha. Hopefully you will be able to the trips in EVs soon.